2025 Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Research Students (University Recommendation): General Application, SATREPS Application、e-ASIA Joint Research Application

This scholarship is intended for students who will enroll in October, so only the following students are eligible in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Graduate School of Medicine.

1) Students who will enroll as research students (non-degree students) in the graduate school in October 2025 and intend to advance to a regular program such as a master’s or doctoral program.

2) Students who will enroll in the doctoral program of the Department of International Health in October 2025.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be non–Japanese nationals who expect to arrive in Japan for the first time in October 2025.
  • Applicants must intend to study at UTokyo as part of an established inter-university exchange program OR must be officially recommended by a university that has academic exchange activities with UTokyo OR must be deemed likely to contribute to improving education and research at the university and are recommended by UTokyo, even if their home institution does not participate in academic exchange activities with UTokyo.
  • Eligible nationalities are specified by MEXT in the General Application, here.
  • Applicants must have a grade point average of 2.3 or higher in their final year of study, or in the course in which they are enrolled, and are expected to maintain this level of performance during the scholarship period.
  • Persons living in Japan at the time of application are not eligible.

For other qualifications and conditions, application procedures, application documents, etc., please read the Application Guidelines.

Application Procedure

  1. Find a prospective faculty advisor, after confirming you satisfy all the necessary qualifications and conditions.
  2. Confirm the participation of your faculty advisor.
  3. Confirm that your faculty advisor is willing to recommend you for a government-sponsored scholarship. (After our office receives notification from your advisor, we will provide you with the documents to be submitted.)
  4. Obtain an official recommendation letter from the dean or more-senior administrator at your university.
  5. By mid-December send all requested information to your faculty advisor. (Original copies must be sent by the end of January.)
  6. In late January the Graduate School of Medicine will select one candidate to be recommended.
  7. UTokyo will recommend the three most qualified candidates to MEXT in late February.
  8. MEXT will announce the recipients and their scholarship periods in June 2025.


As part of the process, one applicant is selected by the Graduate School of Medicine. Each Faculty at UTokyo recommends one candidate, but UTokyo may recommend only three candidates. Therefore, the candidate recommended by the Graduate School of Medicine might not be recommended to MEXT by UTokyo.

If you are recommended by UTokyo, you should submit your application for the university entrance examination and take the entrance exam. If you pass, you must start your enrollment at UTokyo in October. Duplicate applications to other universities or other scholarships or fellowships sponsored by the Japanese government or Japanese government-related organizations are not permitted.

You are not allowed to decline a university-recommended MEXT scholarship.

Office of International Academic Affairs
Faculty of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
Tel: +81-31-5841-3689
Email: oiaa@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Our office does not accept direct applications from applicants.